Welcome to Government College Departments
INTRODUCTION: This department was established in 1983.
To be a department of academic excellence with total commitment to quality education in commerce, management and related fields,with holistic concern for better life ,environment and society.
- Empowering students with all the knowledge and guidance that they need to become worthy management professionals.
- To nurture commerce Professionals who possess High level of knowledge and competence to effectively contribute to the society with commitment & Integrity.
Message from the head of the department
It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you on behalf of the department of Commerce, Government College Ropar. The department which was established in 1983, has been growing strength from strength with each passing year.
These days, when we hear and read news of girl child being abandoned and killed, it is heartening to see more girl students in this department as compared to boys (ratio of 1.7 Girls to 1 Boy), We have a ratio of 1.6 rural students to one urban student. Around 70% of students graduating from the college are now going for higher studies.
We as a country are at an advantageous position due to the demographic dividend by virtue of huge young population in this otherwise ageing world. However in order to reap the benefits of this young population we need to focus on overall development of our students to make them successful in this increasingly globalized world. All stakeholders i.e. Students, Parents, Teachers and Industry should be cognizant of this goal and all policies and procedures should be formulated keeping this goal in mind, efforts from all stakeholders would be required to realize this dream.
Our goal is to provide quality education to our students, ignite a curiosity to learn among them, expose them to latest industry trends and develop their overall personality such that they become valuable assets for the organizations they work for, society, nation and world. Our faculty will continue to put in efforts to achieve this goal and will be open to suggestions and innovative ideas in order to serve our students.
I would like to thank all the faculty members of the department for their dedication and hard work and wish my dear students and everyone best for their lives.
Head of Department

Name: Asst.Prof. Loveleen Verma
Designation: Assistant Professor
Joining Date: 2014-08-21
Qualification: M.COM, UGC NET
Area of Specialisation:COMMERCE
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 09915989772
Vidwan ID : 382692
Appointment Type : Guest Faculty
Papers presented in conference/Seminars :
1 Impact Of
Globalization on Indian
2 Ethics in human
3Authentic CSR
through spirituality
4 Knowledge
5 Farmer Suicide in
india : causes &
6Farmer suicide In
Punjab: an analysis
Participation in conferences :
1 Innovations in banking & Financial markets :Issues and challenges
2 Vishav Punjabi Bhasha Vikas Conference
Conducted/Attended FDP :
1 Teaching pedagogy
2 National workshop
“Under faculty
3 Capacity Building Programme On NAAC ACCREDITATION And Awareness
4 FDP On: Research Methodology : Techniques, Analysis and Presentation

Name: Assistant Kuldeep Kaur
Designation: Assistant professor
Joining Date: 2006-08-02
Qualification: M.com.m.phil.NET
Area of Specialisation:Finance
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 97804 81177
Vidwan ID :
Appointment Type :
Lesson Plans
2022-2023Lesson plansB.com 1 (2022-23) (1).pdfB com 2 (2022-23).pdf Bcom 3 (2022-2023).pdf |
2021-2022Lesson plansB.com 1 (2021-22).pdfB.com 2 (2021-22) (1).pdf B.com 3 (2021-22).pdf |
2020-2021Lesson plansB.com 2 (2020-21) (1).pdfB.com 3 (2020-21).pdf B com 1 (2020-21).pdf |
2019-2020Lesson plansB.Com -3 (2019-20).pdfB.Com 1 (2019-20l.pdf B.Com 2 (2019-20).pdf |
2018-2019Lesson plans2018-19 (B. com 1).pdf2018-19 [B.Com 2] (1).pdf B.com 3rd (2018-19).pdf |
Bachelor of Commerce( B.COM)SUBJECT OUTCOMES
1 Computer applications in business ( Sem-I ) : Students who are studying this subject will be able to
. define computer information technology ,vocabulary ,concepts & skills.
. understand the concept of input & output devices and how it works.
. understand the concepts , structure ,types and design of operating system.
. create and design a word document for general office use.
. understand evolution of internet , its application and its basic services.
2 Business law I ( Sem-I ) : Students who are studying this subject will be able to
. demonstrate an understanding of the legal environment of business .
. apply basic legal knowledge to business transactions.
. communicate effectively using standard business & legal terminology.
3 Financial Accounting I ( Sem -I ) : Students who are studying this subject will be able to
. Define bookkeeping & accounting.
. explain the general purposes & functions of accounting.
. identify the main financial statements and their purposes.
4 Business law II ( Sem –II ) : Students who are studying this subject will be able to
- Describe various terms under Negotiable instrument Act 1881
- Describe fatures , grievance redressal machinery inder consumer protection act
5 Financial Accounting ( Sem –II ): Students who are studying this subject will be able to
-explain accounting for hire purchase .
-explain journal entries &ledger accounts in the books of hire vendor & hire Purchaser.
-describe accountinf treatment including journal and ledger in the books of consignor and consignee.
1 Corporate accounting ( Sem -III ): Students who are studying this subject will be able to
-describe the diffrenet types of relationships amongst business entituies .
- explain the journal entries of issue of shares & issue of deventures.
- know about the final accounts of the companies.
2 Income tax- I ( Sem III ) : Students who are studying this subject will be able to
- Describe the general terms of taxation
- Calculate taxable salry
- Calculate taxale income from house property
- Calculate taxable long tern & short term capital gain.
- Distinguish between capital and revenue items.
3 Principles of business management (Sem III) : Students who are studying this subject will be able to
- Explain nature,scope & functions of management
- Use business terms & concepts when communicating.
- Explain financial concepts used in making business decision.
- Demonstrate a basic understanding of business management.
- Explain various Principles of management
4Business statistics (Sem III ) : Students who are studying this subject will be able to
- Explain the nature & scope of statistics .
-Calculate basic statistical parameters. (mean, measures of dispersion, correlation etc. )
-Choose a statistical method for solving practical problems.
5Corporate accounting ( Sem -IV ) : Students who are studying this subject will be able to.
- Describe meaning and nature of amalgamation,absorption
- To explain accounting for amalgamation of companies as per IAS 14
6 Income tax – II ( Sem IV) :Students who are studying this subject will be able to
- Calculate deductions out of gross total income.
- Compute total Income in regard to income of individuals,HUF,Parternership firm & Companies.
7 Company law ( B.com II): Students who are studying this subject will be able to
-describe in general terms what a business is .
- demonstrate an appreciation of the concept of capital.
1 Cost Accounting ( Sem -V) : Students who are studying this subject will be able to
- Explain the concept & role of cost accounting in the business management of manufacturing & non – manufacturing companies.
- Express the place and role of cost accounting in the modern accounting economic environment.
- Select the costs according to their impact on business
2 Corporate Finance (Sem-V) : Students who are studying this subject will be able to:
- Explain the nature & scope of corporate finance .
- Describe various financial decisions.
- Explain various factors of working capital
3 Indirect tax (Sem-V) : Students who are studying this subject will be able to
-describe GST and previous tax system
-describe valuation of GST.
-explain GST Council in detail
4 Management accounting(Sem-V):Students who are studying this subject will be able to
- Nature & scope of management accounting
- Explain various financial statements analysis
- Describe various Ratios, fund flow analysis & cash flow.
5 Auditing ( Sem -V) : Students who are studying this subject will be able to
- Explain classification of auditing and its principles
- Describe audit procedure.
- Explain various duties & responsibilities of auditor .
6 Cost Accounting -II( Sem -VI): Students who are studying this subject will be able to
- Explain cost ascertainment under unit costing , job & batch costing .
- Describe applications of job costing & batch costing .
- Distinguish integral & non integral accounting system
7 Managemnt accounting-II ( Sem –VI) :Students who are studying this subject will be able to
- Describe meaning & objectives of budgetary control.
- Describe standard costind & Variance analysis.
8 Business environment ( Sem –VI) :Students who are studying this subject will be able to
- Describe the meaning ,concept and components of internal & external environment .
- Describe Changing dimensions of business environment .
9 Fundamentals of entrepreneurship( Sem – VI): Students who are studying this subject will be able to
- Explain the meaning, scope ,need & significance of entrepreneur in economic development.
- Describe various theories of entrepreneurship.
10 Financial Planning ( Sem –VI) Students who are studying this subject will be able to
- Describe nature, objectives, advantages & process of Financial planning.
- Explain assessment of risks in various Financial instruements.
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- ICT Facility is available for the students in the department.
- There is departmental library from which books are lent out to students belonging to needy family and even other students who want to supplement their learning.
• Power point presentations event organised for first year students .
• Best out of waste exhibitions are organized.
• Group discussions for final year students
• Business quiz .
• Poster competitions
• Various students are encouraged for participation in inter college competitions and youth festivals.
• Viva is conducted at the end of each semester to prepare students for interviews.
Students contribute in this club and the raised funds are used for various activities which benefit College & Students for e.g.. Beautification of Commerce block ,STUDENT PROGRESSION & ACHIEVEMENTS
- Majority of commerce graduates pursue M.COM
- Some of our students are pursuing M.BA
- Some of our students are into self-entrepreneurship.
- Some of our students are doing job under CAs.
- A student namely aniket Sharma Got job in PNB .
- Some of our students are taking coaching for competitive exams .
- Various students also give coaching to school going students.