NSS Registration for Session 2024-25 Open


Eco club in college empower students to participate and take up meaningful environmental activities and projects. It is a forum through which students can reach out to influence, engage their parents and neighbourhood communities to promote sound environmental behavior. It empowers students to explore environmental concepts and actions beyond the confines of a syllabus or curriculum. While everyone, everywhere, asserts the importance of ‘learning to live sustainably,’ environment remains a peripheral issue in the formal education system.

Objectives of Eco-club:

  • Motivate the students to keep their surroundings green and clean by undertaking plantation of trees.
  • Promote ethos of conservation of water by optimizing the use of water.
  • Motivate students to imbibe habits and life style for minimum waste generation, source separation of waste and disposing the waste to the nearest storage point.
  • To develop skills of observation, experimentation, survey, recording, analysis, reasoning needed for conserving environment through activities
  • Organise seminars, debates, lectures and popular talks on environmental issues in the college to motivate the students to keep their surroundings green and clean.
  • Promote ethos of conservation of water by optimizing the use of water and cleaning of water body in the adjacent area.
  • Motivate students to imbibe habits and life style for minimum waste generation, source separation of waste and disposing the waste to the nearest storage point.
  • Educate students to create awareness amongst public and sanitary workers, so as to stop the indiscriminate burning of waste which causes respiratory diseases.
  • Sensitize the students to minimize the use of plastic bags, not to throw them in public places as they choke drains and sewers, cause water logging and provide breeding ground for mosquitoes.
  • Organize tree plantation programmes, awareness programmes such as quiz, essay, painting competitions, rallies, nukkad natak etc. regarding various environmental issues and educate children about re-use of waste material & preparation of products out of waste
  • Campaign against use of loud speakers, motivate students not to use crackers and fire works, recycling of glass and metals, use of unnecessary horns.
  • Field visit to environmentally important sites including polluted and degraded sites, wildlife parks, etc.
  • Organise rallies, marches, human chains and street theatre at public places with a view to spread environmental awareness.
  • Action based activities like tree plantation, cleanliness drives both within and out side the school campus.
  • Grow kitchen gardens, maintain vermin-composting pits, construct water harvesting structures in school, practice paper recycling etc.
  • Prepare inventories of polluting sources and forward it to enforcement agencies.
  • Maintenance of public places like parks, gardens both within and out side the college campus.
  • Mobilise action against environmentally unsound practices like garbage disposal in unauthorized places, unsafe disposal of hospital wastes etc.
  • Beautify selected road side area with plants and flowers and put campaign boards to generate awareness.
  • Any other innovative programme on environmental issues.

Eco-club Activities:

Sr. No.


Name of the Activity

Resource Person Details

Collaboration Unit

No. of Teachers

No. of Students

Brief Summary of activities

Session 2022-2023



Van Mahotsav Celebration





Van Mahotsav, was celebrated to promote the tree plantation and environmental conservation, with great enthusiasm at Government College, Ropar, by the Eco Club. The event aimed to raise awareness about the importance of trees in maintaining ecological balance and mitigating climate change. Students and faculty members participated in a tree plantation drive, planting saplings in the college campus. The celebration concluded with a pledge to protect and preserve the environment, making it a memorable and impactful event



Educational trip to Mahendra Chaudhary Zoological Park, Chhatbir.


Bioscience Society



The Eco Club and Bioscience Society of Government College, Ropar,

organized an educational trip to Mahendra Chaudhary Zoological Park, Chhatbir. The trip aimed to provide students with exposure to various aspects of ecology, conservation, and bioscience. During the trip, students participated in guided tours, interactive sessions, where they learned about the flora and fauna of the zoological park. The trip also included activities such as birdwatching, lion safari, nocturnal house, reptile house and ottar house which encouraged students to observe and appreciate the natural world closely.



Environment Day Celebration

On June 5, 2023, Government College Ropar celebrated World Environment Day with great enthusiasm and dedication. The event was organized under the guidance of the University Grants Commission (UGC) and the Director of Higher Education, Punjab. The theme for this year's celebration was "Beat the Plastic."

Various activities were organized during the celebration. The college staff and students actively participated in plantation drives, where they planted trees and herbal plants on the campus. This green initiative aimed to enhance the college's natural surroundings and contribute to environmental sustainability. The plantation drives and awareness programs highlighted the college's dedication to promoting a cleaner and greener environment.



Installation of Vermicomposting Unit

Eco Club



On 29 June 2023, Government College, Ropar, took a significant step towards sustainable waste management by installing a Vermi Compost Unit on its campus. The unit was inaugurated in the presence of college faculty, staff, and students.

The Vermi Compost Unit aims to:

- Convert organic waste into nutrient-rich compost

- Reduce waste disposal costs and minimize environmental impact

- Promote sustainable practices and eco-friendly habits among students and staff

- Serve as a hands-on training facility for students to learn about vermicomposting and organic waste management

The Eco Club and Bio-Science Society of the college collaborated to set up the unit, which will be maintained and monitored by students and faculty members. This initiative demonstrates the college's commitment to environmental sustainability and provides a valuable learning opportunity for its community

Session 2023-2024



Ozone Day Celebration

Eco Club



On 16 September 2023, Government College, Ropar, observed World Ozone Day with great enthusiasm. The Eco Club and Bio-Science Society organized a series of events to raise awareness about the importance of ozone layer conservation and the harmful effects of ozone depletion. The celebration included:

- A lecture on "Ozone Layer Depletion: Causes and Consequences"

- A poster-making competition on ozone layer conservation

- A pledge-taking ceremony to promote sustainable practices and reduce ozone-depleting substances

The event aimed to educate students about the significance of the ozone layer and encourage them to take action

to protect it.



Bonsai Worshop (Essentials for Bonsai making and Hands in Training)

Prof. Jujhar Singh

Assistant Professor, Floriculture

Mata Gujri College, Fatehgarh Sahib (Punjab)




A Bonsai making workshop and hands-on training session was successfully conducted at Government College, Ropar, on [date]. The event was organized by the Eco Club to promote the art of Bonsai cultivation and its benefits. Bonsai expert (Prof. JUjhar Singh) was invited to lead the workshop.

During the session, participants learned about:

- The basics of Bonsai cultivation

- Selecting suitable plant species for Bonsai

- Techniques for pruning, wiring, and potting

- Tips for maintaining and caring for Bonsai plants

The hands-on training allowed participants to create their own Bonsai plants under the guidance of the expert. The workshop was well-received by students and faculty members, who showed great enthusiasm for learning this ancient art form. The event aimed to promote environmental awareness and encourage sustainable gardening practices



Earth Day Celebration

Eco Club



Government College, Ropar, celebrated Earth Day on 22 April 2024, with great enthusiasm and dedication. The Eco Club and Geography Department organized a series of events to raise awareness about environmental conservation and sustainability.

The celebration included:

- A tree plantation drive, where students and faculty members planted saplings in the college campus

- A poster-making competition on environmental themes

- A lecture on "Sustainable Living: Individual Actions for a Greener Tomorrow"

- A pledge-taking ceremony to promote eco-friendly habits and reduce carbon footprint

The event aimed to educate and inspire students to take action towards protecting the environment and promoting sustainable development. The celebration was a huge success, with active participation from students, faculty members, and staff



Environment Day Celebration

Eco Club

Government College, Ropar, observed World Environment Day on 27th June 2024, with a series of events focused on environmental awareness and conservation. The Eco Club organized the celebration, which included:

- A plantation drive in the college campus.

- A lecture on "Beat Plastic Pollution: Individual Actions for a Plastic-Free Future"

- A skit performance highlighting the importance of environmental conservation

The celebration aimed to educate students about the significance of environmental protection and encourage them to adopt eco-friendly practices in their daily lives. The event was a huge success, with enthusiastic participation from students, faculty members, and staff. The college reiterated its commitment to environmental sustainability and pledged to continue its efforts towards a greener future