DateSheets for December 2024 semester exams

O.S.A. Old Student Association (Alumni)

The Alumni Association of the college with the Principal as its patron, functions to forge a strong bond between the college and its old students. The administrative body of the association comprises the president i.e. the senior most alumni from the college faculty, the secretary and the treasurer. Other members of the faculty, who are also old students of the college, are its active members. The administrative body holds meetings from time to time, evolves policies regarding the working of the association. They are also encouraged to make valuable contribution to the association by interacting with the students and the new pass outs. They are also sensitized to the needs of the institution and are made aware of their responsibility towards their alma-mater. The distinguished alumni from our college who have excelled in various walks of life are invited to inspire the young students of the college. At present, the association has more than 1000 members. In this respect, the association holds a meeting in the beginning of every session and important decisions regarding the proposed action plan are taken. Thus the resources generated by the association are put to optimum use.

Distinguished Alumni


Dr. V.S. Soni, then Principal Government College Ropar invited all old student of the college to celebrate the golden jubilee function of the college in 1995-96 and it was due to his efforts, O.S.A. was formed to promote friendly relations among all members of association and college staff both existing and retired.

The organization of the association consists of the Principal as Ex-officio Chief patron. Chief patron can co-opt two patrons who may or may not be members of O.S.A. The advisory committees consist of eleven senior members of O.S.A. which will give advice to central executive committee to manage the affairs of organisation and to interact with the advisory committee to promote close coordination between them to achieve the goals of the association.

O.S.A. promotes and encourages the members to take active interest in the objective and progress of the Alt-na-mater. It generates a “Brain Bank” of the professionals from amongst its members and provides the services for the benefits of the alrnarnater and society in general. It institutes running shields, trophies and awards medals to promote academic, sports and cultural activities of the college. O.S.A. also honours its distinguished members. O.S.A. undertakes useful educational, cultural and vocational projects such as

  • to invite vocational guidance experts/counsellors in the college and arrange for them to give talks discussion on various topics.
  • to invite artists and musician to perform in the college.
  • Special arrangement for exceptionally talented students in literary pursuits, sports, fine arts and other such activities.
  • Book banks to lend books to needy students. O.S.A. recongises, appreciates and encourages teachers in the college in terms of this services.

O.S.A. lays much emphasis on sports particularly for the maintenance of play grounds.

Many old students participate in the function held annually.




1. The name of the society shall be old student’s Association, Government College Ropar and shall be referred to as the O.S.A. subsequently in these articles.


2. Old Student’s Association ( Head Quarter )

Government College Ropar. 140001.

Punjab ( India ).


3. The jurisdiction of the Association shall be all over India and abroad.



4. The objectives of the Association are

  • To promote friendly relations among all members of the Association and the College both existing & retired.
  • To promote and encourage the members to take active interest in the objectives and progress of the Alma Mater.
  • To generate a ‘Brain Bank’ of the professionals from amongst its members and provide its services for the benefit of the Alma Mater and the society,
    in general.
  • To institute running shields, trophies and to award medals to promote the academic, sports and cultural life at the Alma Mater.
  • To honors its distinguished members.
  • To keep local chapters informed about the activities of the Association and seek their assistance in promoting its objectives.


5.1. The Principal Government College shall be chief Patron of the Association. Chief Patron can co-operate two Patrons, who may or may not be a members of

5.2. GENERAL BODY There shall be a General Body ‘of the Association

consisting of all members.

5.3. ADVISORY COMMITTEE The advisory committee may consist of eleven senior members of O.S.A. The committee will give advice to control
executive body from time to time.

5.4. CENTRAL EXECUTIVE BODY There shall be a Central Executive

Committee to manage the affairs of the Association, and to interact with the

Advisory committee to promote close co-ordination between them to achieve

the goals of the Association.


6. The following shall be eligible for life membership of the Association

  • All members of O.S.A.
  • All members of Faculty of Government College Ropar working in regular capacity at the time of application.


7. A member of the Association shall cease to be such member if he/she resigns from his/her membership or is found to be of unsound mind or is convicted by
a court for any offence involving moral grounds or termination of termination of the membership by the Central Executive for compelling reasons.


8.1 The General body shall consist of all members of the association.

8.2 The general body of the association shall hold an annual General meeting (AGM) at least once a year. This meeting shall normally be held in the month
of February or October every year.

8.3 A notice of clear 15 days convening an Annual General Body meeting shall ordinarily be given to the members.

8.4 Emergent meeting of the General Body can be convened by the Central Executive for compelling reasons at a short notice.

8.5 30 members present in person shall form a quorum for any meeting for the General Body. If the meeting is adjourned after 15 minutes for want of quorum,
the meeting shall take place after 30 minutes of adjournment to transact the present business and to the members shall for the quorum.

8.6 The duties of the general body shall be

  • To set guidelines for the Central Executive so as to achieve the objectives of the Association.
  • To consider and adopt the Annual Report and Audited Accounts of the Association.
  • To approve budget for the following year.
  • To honour the distinguished members of O.S.A.
  • To elect joint Secretary, Finance Secretary and members of the Central Executive Committee.
  • To transact any other business with the permission of the President.



12.1 The Central Executive committee shall consist of

I. President. I V. Treasurer-1
II. Vice President 2 VI. Press Secretary-1
III. Gen. Secretary I VII. Convenors-2
IV. Secretary 2 VIII. Members-21

The Central Executive Committee may co-opt additional :members as and when required.

12.1 Election of the Central Executive Committee

  • The President shall be elected/nominated by the outgoing Central Executive Committee from amongst the distinguished members and advisory committee in
    consultation with the Patrons.
  • Vice Presidents and the Secretary shall be nominated by the outgoing central Executive committee from amongst the faculty in consultation with the
  • Joint secretary , Finance Secretary and other member-, shall be elected by the general body from amongst the members stationed at Ropar.
  • The term of the central Executive shall be for two years.
  • The new central executive shall be elected/nominated minimum 20 days before the closing of the financial, year.

9.1.2 The central Executive committee shall ordinarily ii-eet quarterly but the general Secretary may call an emergent meeting at any time.

9-1.3 The quorum for the central executive meeting shall be five.

9.1.4 In case any vacancy arises in the central Executive committee, the existing executive committee shall fill the vacancy by co-option.

9.1.5 The Central Executive Committee Shall have all Powers

  • To manage and promote the objectives of the association according to the directives, if any, of the General body.
  • To frame its rules and regulations.
  • To take appropriate Measures against any member as it may deem fit in the interest of the association.

Powers and Duties of the office Bearers

10.1 Patrons and Advisory Committee

The patron shall render advice and guidance in (lie working of the association.

10.2 President

The president

  • Shall guide, conduct and control the activities of the constitution and decisions taken by the association from time to time.
  • Has a casting vote in case of a tie but shall have no vote otherwise.
  • Shall regulate the proceedings of the central Executive Committee and the general body, interpret the rules and regulations give findings on doubtful
    or contested point and his/her interpretation will be final.
  • Shall preside over the meeting of the central Executive and general body. In the absence of President or vice president, the central Executive or the
    general body may elect any other person as a chairperson to preside over the meetings.
  • Is authorized to sanction any amount with in the sanctioned budget. In addition, he/she can sanction up to Rs. 5000/ subject to the later approval of the Central Executive, for any expenditure beyond the budget allotment, which may be urgently needed to carry out the allotment which may be tit-gently

needed to carry out the objectives of the association.

10.3 Vice President

The vice president shall act as a president in the absence of the president And shall have the same powers as the President.

10.4 General Secretary.

The General Secretary shall

  • Operate the funds in conjunction with the vice president of the association subject to general approval of the central Executive Committee.
  • Attend to all activities as approved by the Central Executive Committee.
  • Be responsible for carrying out all correspondence and preparation and distribution of all publications of the Association.
  • Take steps to strengthen the Association and improve its working.
  • Also attend to any other matter which may be entrusted to him by the President; may keep Rs. 500/- as iinTprest with him for day to day needs.

10.5 Secretaries

The Secretary shall

  • Assist the secretary in the management of the activities of the association.
  • Act for the Secretary in the absence of the General Secretary.

10.6 Treasurer

He shall

  • Be responsible for (lie maintenance of the records and accounts of the Association under the heads of income and Expenditure.
  • Ensure that necessary Receipts and Vouchers are regularly kept and maintained.
  • Operate the bank account jointly with the President and General Secretary.
  • Shall ‘prepare annual report of the indome and expenditure of the Association which will be presented at the time of the General Body for approval.
  • Make payments of the bills sanctioned by the General Secretary or the President.
  • Get the accounts audited.
  • Prepare the budget in consultation with the Vice President and the General Secretary for approval of the General Body.
  • Maintain a regular roaster of the members of the Association.


11.1 Amendment to the Constitution shall be carried out only by a General Body meeting when a minimum of two-third of the majority of votes of the members
present are obtained.

11.2 The proposed amendment to the Constitution shall be circulated to all the members as an agenda item for the General Body meeting.

11.3 An amendment can only be moved with the permission of the Presiding Officer at the meeting of the General Body.

11.4 No amendments shall be effected withoul’ the proper quorum, i.e., 30 members.



2.1 The association shall raise funds, the objective of the Association through

  • Subscription from the members.
  • Money donated by the members.
  • Any other source approved by the Central Executive committee.

12.2 The Accounts of the Association shall be maintained in any scheduled Bank.

12.3 The funds of the association may be invested in Government societies, Bonds and Debentures, Unit Schemes of the Unit Trust of India, and Fixed
Deposits in Nationalized Banks.

12.4 Withdrawals from the invested funds shall be made only with the approval of the Central Executive Committee and the Advisory Committee.

Audit of Accounts

13. The accounts of the Association shall be audited once, year.

Records of the Association

14. The following records shall be maintained in the office of the Association; I.

  • Roll of membership.
  • Minutes of the Central Executive Committee meeting.
  • Minutes of the General Body Meeting.
  • Stock register of consumable and non-consumable items.
  • Cashbook and Ledger.
  • Receipts and Vouchers.
  • Copies of all Publications and Reports of the Association.



15. The rates of subscription for life membership shall be as under:

  • Rs. 1000/- for old students living, in India at the time of application.
  • Rs. 500/- for outgoing Graduates who wish to pay through the secant- deposit with the College and Teachers.
  • US $ 100 for overseas old students.