Welcome to Government College Department : Computer Science Department
INTRODUCTION: Department of Computer Science was established in 2018. This department in Government College, Ropar has a distinct identity of its own. Keeping in view the relevance of the subject and demand of students, the college authorities started computer Science classes in Bachelor of Arts from 2018-19 session.
VISION: To be among the nation’s premier Computer Science departments by building a strong teaching environment that responds swiftly to the challenges of the 21 st century.
MISSION: Our Missions are:
- To provide quality education in both the theoretical and applied foundations of computer science and train students to effectively apply this education to solve real–world problems thus strengthening their potential for lifelong high – quality careers and give them a competitive advantage in the ever–changing and challenging global work environment of the 21 stcentury.
- Empowering the youth in urban and rural communities with computer education.
- To create, share, and apply knowledge in Computer Science, including in interdisciplinary areas that extend the scope of Computer Science and benefit humanity.
Courses Offered
This department offers Computer Science as an optional subject at undergraduate level. The department has been imparting education to the students so that they may occupy a better place in the modern competitive world and develop all round personalities. Depending upon the interest of the students, they may choose employment or go for higher studies.
BA 1 st Sem 1 st BAP - 101 (Theory: Fundamentals of Information Technology)
The main objective is to introduce IT in a simple language to all undergraduate students, regardless of their specialization. The focus of the subject is on introducing skills relating to IT basics, computer applications, programming, interactive medias, Internet basics etc.
BA 1 st Sem 1 st BAP - 102 (Practical: Windows, Internet & Social Media)
WINDOWS: Windows make a computer system user-friendly by providing a graphical display and organizing information so that it can be easily accessed.
INTERNET: It is widely used to gather and disseminate information. Popular search engines like Yahoo, Google etc. are being widely used by students to search information related to exams, curriculum, results, etc and as a major learning source. It has a great impact on imparting education to the students.
SOCIAL MEDIA: Living in modern age where majority of social communications take place online, social media has a great impact on how people interact. Capturing millions of users from all over the world, social media became one of the most popular communication means and information sharing. Starting from news reports, family photos and up to large networks of like-minded professionals, it is a part of life not only for younger generation but for all people with computers, tablet or irreplaceable mobile. Major Social platforms are Face book, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram.
BA 1 st Sem 2 nd BAP - 103 (Theory: MS - OFFICE Automation Tools)
Ms office automation is simply a bunch of program which include excel, words , power point, MS Access etc which makes over work easy for store data in our computer and it helps us to find anything easily from our file. Microsoft Office provides tools that help business owners and remote workers to work together. It is also a cloud-based application that helps to achieve higher productivity from anywhere by using any device (smartphone, tablet, computer, and laptop).
BA 1 st Sem 2 nd BAP - 104 (Practical: MS - OFFICE)
MS office practical includes MS Office Suite, Introduction focuses on beginning computer concepts, Windows operating system, Internet Explorer, Word, Excel, Power Point, and the basic integration of the components of this integrated Microsoft application. Microsoft Office knowledge is an essential requirement in offline and online jobs. Students can learn advanced skills from online courses.
- Microsoft Word: –You can use Microsoft Word to create and edit documents such as resume, applications, and letters, school or college assignments professionally.
- Microsoft Excel: –It can use to perform daily life and business calculation by using logical and mathematical formulas in the spreadsheet. It is very well used in data and information analytics by using filters, conditional formatting, and goal seek and pre-defined templates etc. It is also used to visualize data and information in charts, smart arts, pivot table and much more.
- Microsoft Power Point: –Power Point application is used to create presentations using slides to present data and information in meetings, seminars. It means students can use Power Point to create project presentation, business plan presentation, school assignments and presentation for seminars etc.
- Microsoft Access: –Students can use MS Access to create database and program to track and manage data and information. It means they can create a database of students, a database of your employees and customer records. They can also track and edit their progress with the profile name, address and everything that is needed for you to collect.
BA 2 nd Sem 3 rd BAP - 201 (Theory: C Programming and Data Structures)
Programming C: This is a first course in programming. The objective of this paper is to teach the Programming Language C. However, the process of learning a computer language will also be emphasized. Emphasis is also on semantics and problem solving.
Data structures and algorithms is also important for students to have ability and vision to design and develop fast, active and stable software. This course gives students a chance to learn more specific algorithms developed for different programming techniques. It is a great process, a great understanding on Data Structures needed to understand the complexity of enterprise level applications and need of algorithms, and data structures.
BA 2 nd Sem 3 rd BAP - 202 (Practical: C Programming and Data Structures )
Students write C programming when they want to accomplish something with logic, math, words, or modeling, when they want to see something appear on the screen, when they want to get input and produce output directly to a machine.C compiles down to machine language code computers can run, as fast as they can run it. Students can make program in C when they want their code to be fast and small and/or they need to interact directly with a piece of hardware. The speed and hardware capability come at a price - if they make a mistake in a C program, it will either crash or do something else unexpected, and finding the fault can be difficult. Its taught so that students get familiar with basic programming and get mentally prepared for other difficult languages and also to build concepts so that those concepts could be applied in different languages.
BA 2 nd Sem 4 th BAP - 203 (Theory: DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM )
Database: Database is a collection of inter-related data which helps in efficient retrieval, insertion and deletion of data from database and organizes the data in the form of tables, views, schemes, reports etc. For Example, university database organizes the data about students, faculty, and admin staff etc. which helps in efficient retrieval, insertion and deletion of data from it. It enables students to learn how to prepare database design, database protection and data recovery etc.
BA 2 nd Sem 4 th BAP - 204 (Practical: MS - Access)
Microsoft Access is very useful and helpful to work with database. One of the places that often needs database is an educational institution. It enables students for working with database, tables, reports, forms, sorting and filtering etc.
BA 3rd The classes of B.A.-III (Sem-V & VI) will start from 2020-21.
This computer department has a computer lab with Wi-Fi connection and provides the notes and books for helping the economically weak students.
- Power point presentations event organised for first year students .
- Best out of waste exhibitions are organized.
- Workshops are held in department to teach various fine arts skills to college students.
- Low cost nutritious recipes intra departmental competitions are held.
- Poster competitions
- Various students are encouraged for participation in inter college competitions and youth festivals. Cleanliness drive has been organized in the Department and its surroundings under Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan which helps in developing team work and coordination among the students.
- Paper reading, map making and Chart making competitions has been conducted for the students to improve their presentation skills and creativity.
- Students have been participating in various events at district and university level such as Quiz, Giddha, Bhangra, Debate and declamation.
- Students have been encouraged to celebrate Green Diwali by conducting Diya Making and rangoli making competition in the department.
- Various students are encouraged for participation in inter college competitions and youth festivals.
COMPUTER SCIENCE CLUB Here is a club for computer science department.
Student progression & Achievement.
- Some students of the Department are actively preparing for competitive exams.
- Three students are doing part time job.
Teaching Staff

Name: Asst. Prof Jupinder Kaur
Designation: Asst. Prof.
Joining Date: 2013-09-19
Qualification: MCA, M.Tech, UGC(NET)
Area of Specialisation:UGC(NET)
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 9356093670
Vidwan ID : 382624
Appointment Type : Contract Teacher
Books :
Department | Name of Authors/Editor | Title of Book | Publisher | ISSN /ISBN no |
Computer Deptt.(HEIS) | Puneet Wadhwan, Rimpy Rani, Jupinder Kaur | Fundamental of Information Technology | Twenty first Century Publications | 978-93-80144-10-8 |
Edited Chapters in books :
Department | Name of Authors/Editor | Title of Book | Publisher | ISSN /ISBN no |
Computer Deptt.(HEIS) | Puneet Wadhwan, Rimpy Rani, Jupinder Kaur | Fundamental of Information Technology | Twenty first Century Publications | 978-93-80144-10-8 |
Papers presented in conference/Seminars :
Sr. No | Topic | Venue | Date
1. | 3rd Vishav Punjabi Bhasha Vikas Conference(one day), Govt. College Ropar | Govt. College Ropar | 20 January 2018 |
2. | UGC Sponsored National Conference on Cloud Computing & Network Security (NCCCNS-2017) | Shri Guru Teg Bahadur Khalsa College, Shri Anandpur Sahib | 25 March 2017 |
3. | 2ND National Conference on Managing Business development in globalized world: Strategies for excellence | IET Bhaddal Ropar | 26-27,March,2011 |
4. | National Seminar on Advances in computer application | IET Bhaddal Ropar | 28-29,April,2011 |
5. | International Conference on Technological and management advancements : Issues and challenges | RIMT Mandi Gobindgarh | 10,Oct, 2011 |
6. | National Seminar on Emerging Trends in computer science and information technology Adhoc networks | IET Bhaddal Ropar | 1-2,Nov,2011 |
7. | National Seminar on Technological advancement in communication Engineering | IET Bhaddal Ropar | 2,Nov,2011 |
Participation in conferences :
International (1) National (4)
Participation in Workshops :
1. | FDP on Mission 10X | IET Bhaddal Ropar | 13-17,june,2011 |
2. | Workshop on High Impact teaching skills | IET Bhaddal Ropar | 13-14,june,2011 |
3. | Advanced Workshop on Effective Teaching Skills | IET Bhaddal Ropar | 06-07, jan,2012 |
Conducted/Attended FDP :
Research Methodology Techniques Analysis and Presentations

Name: Asst. Prof Dr. Annu Rani
Designation: Assistant Professor
Joining Date: 2023-02-27
Qualification: Ph.D, MCA, BCA, Qualified both UGC JRF and NET
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 9478775953
Vidwan ID : 382695
Appointment Type : Contract Teacher
Research Papers :
A. Rani and L.Goyal, “ISL (Indian Sign Language) Dictionary using Synthetic Animations (Extension to Existing),” International Journal of Engineering Science 2021, pp. 4–5, 2021, ISSN: 2229-6913(Print), ISSN: 2320-0332(Online).
Papers presented in conference/Seminars :
Rani, A., Goyal, V., & Goyal, L. (2023). Assistive Technology for Home Comfort and Care. Computer Assistive Technologies for Physically and Cognitively Challenged Users, 73.
Participation in conferences :
1. A. Rani, V.Goyal and L.Goyal,Development of Data Set for Automatic News Telecast System for Deaf Using ISL Videos, Proceedings of Data Analytics and Management, Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies.
2. Rani, A., Goyal, V., & Goyal, L. (2023). Synthetic Animations Based Dictionary for Indian Sign Language. In Advances in Information Communication Technology and Computing: Proceedings of AICTC 2022 (pp. 373-379). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
3.Rani, A., Goyal, V., & Goyal, L. (2023). Advancing from Manual to Automatic Telecast of News for Deaf. In Advances in Information Communication Technology and Computing: Proceedings of AICTC 2022 (pp. 311-316). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
Participation in Seminar :
Delivered lecture on ”Technical Writing Using Latex” on 5 April 2023, during workshop organized by Department of Computer Science, Punjabi University Patiala.
Participation in Workshops :
( Acted as Resource Person) Three-Days workshop on "Advanced Python Programming" (24-26 February, 2023) organized by Post Graduate Department of Computer Science sponsored by DBT Star Status-GOI in Sri Guru Teg Bahadur Khalsa College, Sri Anandpur Sahib Distt. Ropar.
Conducted/Attended FDP :
Five days national level faculty development programme on ”RESEARCH METHOD- OLOGY: TECHNIQUES, ANALYSIS, AND PRESENTATION” by Govt. College Ropar from 5 June to 9 June 2023.
• Faculty Development Programme (online live instructor-led) on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning conducted by National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology, Chandigarh from 22 June to 26 June, 2020
Attended Short Term Courses :
Basic ISL course Level 1 conducted by Indore Deaf Bilingual Academy from 24 August to 24 September 2020 (daily-online model). • Basic ISL course Level 2 conducted by Indore Deaf Bilingual Academy from 9 October to 12 November 2020 (daily-online model). • Basic ISL course Level 3 conducted by Indore Deaf Bilingual Academy from 15 January to 15 February 2021 (daily-online model).

Designation: Assistant Professor
Joining Date: 2015-07-25
Qualification: BCA ,MCA
Area of Specialisation:NA
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 8872496757
Vidwan ID : 382583
Appointment Type : Contract Teacher
Any Other Publication :
Current trends in IT (2018-2019) S.G.T.B Khalsa College sssssri anadpur sahib
Conducted/Attended FDP :
Research methodology techniques analysis and presentation

Name: Asst Prof. Mandip Kaur
Designation: Assistant Professor
Joining Date: 2015-07-23
Qualification: BCA, MCA
Area of Specialisation:Assistant Professor
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 8872573123
Vidwan ID : 382569
Appointment Type : Contract Teacher
Papers presented in conference/Seminars :
- Paper presented oon"nn cloud computing at Shri Guru teg Bahadur Khalsa College Anandpur SahibSahib
Any Other Publication :
- Paper published in Vidyasagar Patrika under the title cloud computing and its applications
Participation in conferences :
- International conference on recent development in mathematical science artificial intelligence and machine learning on March 14 15 2023 by Shri Guru teg Bahadur Khalsa College Anandpur Sahib Undertaker rule of AI in healthcare colon review
Participation in Seminar :
1. National seminar on advance in mathematical and information sciencescience on February day 2019
2. 5 days National seminar on research methodology techniques analysis and presentation from 4 to 9 2023 at Government College Ropar
Conducted/Attended FDP :
- One week fdp on advance research methodology on data analytics organised by Digvijay nath post graduate College Gorakhpur UP from 22-28 2023
- One day fdp on use of ICT tools current perspective on 26 June 2023
Conducted/Attended MOOC :

Name: Assistant Manpreet Kaur
Designation: Assistant Professor
Joining Date: 2010-07-20
Qualification: M.C.A.
Area of Specialisation:NA
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 7087800330
Vidwan ID : 382597
Appointment Type : Contract Teacher
Research Papers :
- Impact No.5.5,ISSN-2277-5730,Ajanta-Sub-Teaching Infrastructure.
- Impact No.5.5,ISSN-2277-5730,Ajanta-Sub-Computer and Official Work.
- Impact No.5.5,ISSN-2277-5730,Ajanta-Sub-Innovantion in Computer Science.
- Impact No.5.5,ISSN-2277-5730,Ajanta-Sub-Digital Litracy Special Needs for Children.
- ISBN-978-93-52050-22-2 , Sub- Research Methodology.
- ISBN-978-93-52050-22-2, Sub-Operating System.
Participation in Workshops :
- Ethical Infotech , Sri Gugu Teg Bahadur Khalsa College,Sri Anand Pur Sahib

Name: Assistant Gurdeep Singh
Designation: Assistant Professor
Joining Date: 2023-02-27
Area of Specialisation:Natural Language Processing
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 8427830361
Vidwan ID : 382780
Appointment Type :
Papers presented in conference/Seminars :
1. Singh, G., Goyal, V., Goyal, L. (2022). Notation Systems Applied on Indian Sign Language: A Review. In: Singh, P.K., Singh, Y., Kolekar, M.H., Kar, A.K., Gonçalves, P.J.S. (eds) Recent Innovations in Computing.Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 832. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-8248-3-6 2. Singh, G., Goyal, V. Goyal, L. Comparative Analysis of Translation Systems from Indian Languages to Indian Sign Language. SN COMPUT. SCI. 3, 289 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42979-022-01180-3 3. Singh, G. (2021). A prototype Punjabi text to Sign Language Automatic Translator. In An International Journal of Engineering Sciences (Vol. 34). http://ijoes.vidyapublications.com 4. Singh, G., Goyal, V., Goyal, L. (2023). Punjabi Indian Sign Language Dictionary Using Synthetic Animation. In: Tiwari, S., Trivedi, M.C., Kolhe, M.L., Singh, B.K. (eds) Advances in Data and Information Sciences. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 522. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-5292-0_248
Conducted/Attended FDP :
Attended Short Term Courses :
Basic Indian Sign Language Online Course from 1 October to 3 November 2020 (Indore Deaf Bilingual Acadamy run By Mook Badhir Sangathan, Indore (M.P))

Name: Assistant Manpreet Singh
Designation: Assistant Professor
Joining Date: 2018-03-01
Qualification: MSc. IT, MCA
Area of Specialisation:
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 9464166915
Vidwan ID : 382569
Appointment Type :
Lesson Plans
2022-2023Lesson plansBCAB.C.A. SEM 1 AND 2.pdfB.C.A. SEM 3 AND 4.pdf B.C.A. SEM 5 AND 6.pdf M.SC ITMSC.IT(2022-23).pdfPGDCApgdca(2022-23).pdfSyllabus Plan B.A. II (Sem 4) 2022-23 (1).docx Syllabus Plan B.A. III (Sem 6) 2022-23 (2).docx |
2021-2022Lesson plansBCABCA-1 2021-22.pdfBCA-2 2021-22.pdf BCA-3 2021-22.pdf M.SC ITPGDCApgdca session 2021-22 LP.pdf |
2020-2021Lesson plansBCABCA SEM 1,2(2020-21).pdfBCA SEM 3,4 (2020-21) (1).pdf BCA SEM 3,4 (2020-21).pdf M.SC ITMsc(2020-21).pdfPGDCApgdca(2020-21).pdf |
2019-2020Lesson plansBCAB.C.A 1. 2019-2020.pdfB.C.A 2 2019-2020.pdf B.C.A 3 2019-2020.pdf M.SC ITMSC 2019-2020.pdfPGDCAPGDCA 2019-2020.pdf |
2018-2019Lesson plansBCABca 1sem_Bca 2 sem_merged.pdfBca 3rd & 4 sem_merged.pdf Bca 5th & 6 sem_merged (1).pdf M.SC ITMSc IT 2018-19.pdfPGDCAPGDCA 1st sem (1).pdf |