Welcome to Government College Department : Physics
INTRODUCTION: This Department was established in 1945.
“To become a centre of excellence in pure physics”
We envisage to train and prepare the students for the future with the evolving trends in teaching and research and provide students with a state of art knowledge in physics to equip students to compete globally.
- To encourage young minds to discover their talents and work on them, both in Theoretical and Experimental Physics ,through commitment towards teaching, being dedicated to help them in getting along and making use of interactive methods to enable efficient learning.
- To make vital contribution in the area of both theoretical and experimental Physics through hard work of faculties, modern facilities in lab and demonstrating a high level of competence in the field
- To make a strategy for persistent improvement.
- To provide the highest level of education and preparing students for higher education.
Teaching Staff

Name: Asst. Prof Dipender Singh
Designation: Assistant Professor
Joining Date: 2000-08-30
Qualification: M.Sc.
Area of Specialisation:Theoretical physics
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 9779148882
Vidwan ID :
Appointment Type : Regular

Name: Asst.Prof. Kulwinder Kaur
Designation: Assistant Professor
Joining Date: 2018-02-27
Qualification: M.Sc. Physics ,CSIR- NET , JRF , GATE-PHY
Area of Specialisation:Experimental Techniques in Nuclear and Particle Physics and Analytical Techniques for material Track
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 9478791023
Vidwan ID : 382573
Appointment Type :
Research Papers :
• Book Chapters o KulwinderKaur,“Harnessing physics for Advancing Environmental and Social Well-being”, A Comprehensive Guide to Achieving Optimal Health and Well-being, Ch.17, 98-105, National Press Associates, New Delhi. • Peer-reviewed journals o Kulwinder Kaur, “Exploring Quantum Cognition: Shedding Light on Irrational Behaviours in Humans” (in progress).
Books :
• Book Chapters o KulwinderKaur,“Harnessing physics for Advancing Environmental and Social Well-being”, A Comprehensive Guide to Achieving Optimal Health and Well-being, Ch.17, 98-105, National Press Associates, New Delhi.
Edited Chapters in books :
• Book Chapters o KulwinderKaur,“Harnessing physics for Advancing Environmental and Social Well-being”, A Comprehensive Guide to Achieving Optimal Health and Well-being, Ch.17, 98-105, National Press Associates, New Delhi.
Papers presented in conference/Seminars :
• Peer-reviewed journals o Kulwinder Kaur, “Exploring Quantum Cognition: Shedding Light on Irrational Behaviours in Humans” (in progress).
Participation in Workshops :
• [10March – 17 March 2022] Workshop on MOOC e-Content development and open educational resources: workshop offered by UGC-Human Resource Development Centre ,Punjabi University Patiala.
Conducted/Attended FDP :
• [April 2020-June 2020] Learning Physics Through Simple Experiments : Course Offered by Centre of Continuing Education ,Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur • [January 2020-April 2020] Electronic Theory of Solids: Course Offered by National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning(NPTEL) • [7July-13 July] Online Teaching-Learning Practices: Challenges and Solutions organized by Shri Guru Teg Bahadur Khalsa College , Shri Anandpur Sahib • [1August-5August 2020] Moodle Learning Management System: 5 Day Faculty Development Program Offered by IIT Bombay. • [ 5 June-9 June 2023] Research Methodology:Techniques,Analysis and Presentation: 5 Day National Level Faculty Development Programme offered by Scrollwell in Collaboration with Government College Ropar.
Attended Short Term Courses :
• [January 2020-April 2020] Electronic Theory of Solids: Course Offered by National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning(NPTEL)
Conducted/Attended MOOC :
LMS Moodle Programme (https://moodle.govtcollegeropar.org/)
Lesson Plans
2022-2023Lesson planslesson plan 22-23 bsc2.pdflesson plan 22-23 bsc 3.pdf lesson plan 2022-23 bsc1.pdf |
2021-2022Lesson plans |
2020-2021Lesson plans |
2019-2020Lesson planslesson plan bsc 1 2019_20.pdflesson plan bsc 2 session 2019-20.pdf lesson plan bsc 3 session 2019-20.pdf |
2018-2019Lesson planslesson plan Bsc 1st year (session 2018-18).pdflesson plan bsc 2nd year 2018-19.pdf lesson plan bsc 3rd session 2018-19.pdf |
Courses Offered
Physics is offered as a compulsory subject in the curriculum of B.Sc.(Non Medical)[for undergraduates].A degree with Physics develops skills that open up a wide range of career options like research and development ,manufacturing ,education and many other options .Department also offers an ADD ON course in INSTRUMENTATION.
- Certificate Course in Instrumentation,
b .Diploma in Instrumentation
- Advanced Diploma in Instrumentation (Sponsored by UGC)
B.Sc.1 SEM I
- Mechanics-I
- Vibrations and Waves-I
- Electricity and Magnetism
- Physics Practical Laboratory
- Mechanics-II
- Vibration and Waves –II
- Electricity and Magnetism-II
- Physics Practical Laboratory
MECHANICS: Students will be able to articulate and describe:
- Relative motion, inertial and non inertial reference frames.
- Parameters defining the motion of mechanical systems and their degrees of freedom.
- Study of the force of interaction between solids in mechanical systems.
- Newton’s Laws of motion and conservation principles
VIBRATION AND WAVES: Students will be able to
- Use phasor description of waves.
- Explain oscillation in terms of energy exchange, giving various examples.
- Distinguish between oscillators and normal modes in coupled oscillator system.
- Calculate the reflection and transmission of a travelling wave at a boundary and explain impedance matching.
ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM: The major concepts covered are:
- The abstraction from forces to fields using the examples of the electric and magnetic fields.
- The connection between conservative forces and potential energy.
- How charge moves through electric circuits.
- The integral form of Maxwell’s Equation.
PHYSICS PRACTICAL LABORATORY: Students will be able to understand the basic concepts, mathematical methods and can explore important connection between theory, experiment and current applications .Students can develop a basis for future learning and work EXPERIENCE :.
- Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics-I
- Optics
- Quantum Mechanics-I
- Physics Practical Laboratory
- Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics-II
- Lasers
- Quantum Mechanics-II
- Physics Practical Laboratory
- Has thorough knowledge on different classical and quantum mechanical distribution functions.
- Can explain the procedures for deriving the relation between thermodynamic parameters such as pressure, temperature, entropy and heat capacity from the distribution function.
- Can explain phase transitions and magnetization in magnetic systems.
OPTICS AND LASERS: The students will be able to
- Discuss the important and fascinating areas of interference with many experiments associated with it
- Differentiate between Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction.
- Apply skill to find the wavelength of spectral lines using Plane diffraction grating.
- Distinguish the methods of polarisation by reflection, refraction and scattering.
QUANTUM MECHANICS: The students will be able
- Show an understanding of wave mechanics in three dimensions.
Describe the structure of the hydrogen atom and show an understanding of quantisation of angular momentum
- Apply techniques such as Fourier methods and ladder operators for selects problems in quantum mechanics.
PHYSICS PRACTICAL LABORATORY: Students will be able to understand the basic concepts, mathematical methods and can explore important connection between theory ,experiment and current applications .Students can develop a basis for future learning and work EXPERIENCE :.
B.Sc. 3 SEM V
- Condensed Matter Physics-1
- Electronics-I(Electronics and Solid State Devices)
- Nuclear and Radiation Physics
- Physics Practical Laboratory
- Condensed Matter Physics-II
- Electronics-II
- Nuclear and Particle Physics
- Physics Practical Laboratory
CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS: Students will be able to
- Explain the significance and value of condensed matter physics ,both scientifically and in the wider community
- The subject treats functional material from an experimental viewpoint, solid state theory and properties.
- Critically analyse and evaluate experimental strategies and decide which is most appropriate for answering specific questions.
ELECTRONICS: Students will try to learn
- To understand operation of semiconductor devices.
- To understand DC analysis and AC models of semiconductor devices.
- To apply concepts for the design of Regulators and amplifier.
- To verify the theoretical concepts through laboratory and simulation experiments.
NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS: The student will be able to
- Demonstrate knowledge of fundamental aspects of the structure of the nucleus, radioactive decay, nuclear reaction and the interaction of radiation and matter.
- Discuss nuclear and radiation physics connection with other physics disciplines-solid state, elementary particle physics, radiochemistry, and astronomy.
- Discuss nuclear and radiation physics applications, in medical diagnostics and therapy,
Energetic ,archaeology.
PHYSICS PRACTICAL LABORATORY: Students will be able to understand the basic concepts, mathematical methods and can explore important connection between theory ,experiment and current applications .Students can develop a basis for future learning and work
- Competent and motivated educational staff.
- The Department have two well established labs and two dark rooms equipped with instruments for performing experiments.
- ICT smart class rooms are available.
- Department Library is there to help the economically weak students and for the students who want to supplement their learning
- Inter Department Quiz competition has been conducted to improve student’s general awareness.
- Cleanliness drive has been organized in the Department and its surroundings under Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan which helps in developing team work and coordination among the students.
- Various competitions has been conducted for the students to improve their presentation skills and creativity.
- Students have been participating in various events at district and university level such as Quiz, Giddha, Bhangra, Debate and declamation.
Various students are encouraged for participation in inter college competitions and youth festivals.
Student progression & Achievement.
- Most of the graduates in physics pursue post graduation or bachelor of education.
- Many students are also doing jobs in industrial field.
- Some students are being recruited as officials in army, navy and air force.
- Large no. of students are doing jobs in educational institutes.