NAAC SSR Criteria Wise DVV Docs
6-2-2 GCR Screen Short Of user Of each Module pdf 2[signed].pdf
6-2-2 GCR Screen Short Of user Of each Module pdf 2[signed] new word (1)_removed.pdf
6-2-2 Institutional expenditure statements for the budget heads of e-governance implementation ERP Documentt[signed].pdf
6-3-2 Audited Statement highliting the financial support.pdf
6-3-2 E-copy of letters indicating financial assistance.pdf
6-3-2 List of teachers receving the finacial support.pdf
6-3-3 Copy of Certifcate of the Program Attended by Teachering And Non-Teaching Staff (1)[signed].pdf
6-3-3 Event broushers and reports year wise.pdf
6-3-3 GCR Annual Report Pdf[signed].pdf
6-3-3 List of participating teaching and non- teaching staff as per the prescribed format year wise during the last five years.pdf
6-5-2 GCR NIRF & AAA Report pdf[signed].pdf
6-5-2 List of Collaborative quality initiatives with other institution(s) along with brochures .pdf
6-5-2 Quality Certificate PreviousNAAC.pdf
Criterion 6 Governance, Leadership and Management
6-2-2 Annual e-governance report approved by the Governing Council Board of Management Syndicate Policy document on e-governanc (2).pdf6-2-2 GCR Screen Short Of user Of each Module pdf 2[signed].pdf
6-2-2 GCR Screen Short Of user Of each Module pdf 2[signed] new word (1)_removed.pdf
6-2-2 Institutional expenditure statements for the budget heads of e-governance implementation ERP Documentt[signed].pdf
6-3-2 Audited Statement highliting the financial support.pdf
6-3-2 E-copy of letters indicating financial assistance.pdf
6-3-2 List of teachers receving the finacial support.pdf
6-3-3 Copy of Certifcate of the Program Attended by Teachering And Non-Teaching Staff (1)[signed].pdf
6-3-3 Event broushers and reports year wise.pdf
6-3-3 GCR Annual Report Pdf[signed].pdf
6-3-3 List of participating teaching and non- teaching staff as per the prescribed format year wise during the last five years.pdf
6-5-2 GCR NIRF & AAA Report pdf[signed].pdf
6-5-2 List of Collaborative quality initiatives with other institution(s) along with brochures .pdf
6-5-2 Quality Certificate PreviousNAAC.pdf