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3 day social media management program

Department : COMPUTER SCIENCE (HEIS) , Date : 13/07/2022 15/07/202022 , Venue : HEIS BLOCK , Committee Convenor : Prof Harjas kaur , Committee Co-Convenor : Prof Manpreet kaur
Details :

Government College Ropar has taken a proactive stride in enhancing students' digital proficiency by
organizing a comprehensive training on Social Media Management. Recognizing the pivotal role of
social platforms in today's interconnected world, the college aimed to equip students with the skills
needed to navigate and leverage these platforms effectively.
The training, conducted over a span of three days, provided students with a hands-on understanding
of various aspects of social media management. Industry experts and experienced practitioners led
sessions on content creation, audience engagement, analytics interpretation, and strategies for
building a cohesive online brand presence.